An accident can happen anywhere and at any time, including in a Lyft vehicle that you decided to use. When an accident like this occurs, the risk of not getting the compensation owed to you for your losses is high, which is why we always encourage our clients to seek out the help of a Cherry Hill Lyft accident lawyer if they have been hurt. At Rand Spear, The Accident Lawyer, a Cherry Hill rideshare accident lawyer works hard to ensure that Lyft does not make you a victim a second time.
What Makes a Lyft Accident More Complex?
There are several reasons why you may find a Lyft accident is more complex than filing a traditional lawsuit after a car accident. The first is that the circumstances are very important to the incident in that who is responsible is dependent on what was occurring at the time of the accident. It is critical that you, as the victim, work to better understand your rights before you try to file a claim.
Our legal team helps clients to know who is responsible for their accident and injuries as well as what steps they need to take to recover damages from the incident. If you got into a Lyft vehicle, chances are good you assumed you would be safely transported from one area to the next, but the mistakes of the driver could put you at risk for numerous losses. Do not try to settle your case without insight into what your legal options really are.
Lyft is also a very large company with insurance adjusters who have the sole job of reducing the compensation paid out on claims like this. Without legal guidance and support, you may find yourself not getting nearly the compensation you need to pay your medical bills and other losses. That is why we say – Demand Rand – and get a true, dedicated attorney by your side to fight for the compensation owed to you.

Who Is Responsible for Your Lyft Accident
This is one of the most important factors in any type of Lyft case, and it is not always easy to know what rights you have. If you are involved in an accident the Lyft driver causes while you are taking a ride with them, and they logged your trip into the app, then Lyft’s liability insurance is likely to cover your losses. Lyft’s policies tend to be larger and more comprehensive, meaning there is more protection and coverage available to you.
What if the Lyft driver did not log into the app or, for any other reason, did not record your trip within the system? If that app is not in place, it is impossible to prove that Lyft is responsible for the incident, and that means that the driver’s liability insurance may be responsible for covering your losses. That may mean that you have less overall coverage available to you, and it also means you need to pursue losses from a different company.
Many other incidents can occur as well, such as a third party striking the Lyft vehicle and causing the losses you have. In that case, the other party’s insurance may be responsible for the losses you have incurred, and you will need to track them down to file a claim. Other times, it could be a car manufacturer, repair technician, or the owner of the Lyft vehicle that is responsible for the losses you have.
Cherry Hill Lyft Accident Lawyer Near Me (215) 985-2424
How Our Legal Team Works to Provide You with the Support You Need
At Rand Spear The Accident Lawyer, we work closely with our clients to fully understand what they are facing since their accident, including what their medical bills are, the types of complications to their health, and the losses they have related to quality of life and pain management. We want to know how this accident has impacted your life now, as well as what it could mean for your future. This can help us to better estimate the losses you have in your claim.
Additionally, our Cherry Hill Lyft accident attorney does the hard work of dealing with the insurance company, no matter who they are. This entails filing the initial claim and negotiating on your behalf to ensure your rights remain protected and your compensation is optimized. We do not back down, and we will go to court when it is necessary to do so to protect our clients and their right to compensation.
When you hire our legal team, you can expect us to uncover all of the facts in your case, including whether the driver was intoxicated, tired, or otherwise unsafe to be working for Lyft. We also help you to uncover all of the losses you may have, including by speaking to medical experts or documenting the changes in your quality of life. Most importantly, expect our legal team to provide you with compassion and support throughout this legal process, as you are never alone in trying to manage these companies on your own.
What Are Your Losses in a Lyft Accident?
Do not make the mistake some of our clients have in settling their cases too soon without taking into consideration all of the financial losses they have incurred. This includes initial medical bills but long-term recovery costs, as well as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of ability to work, for example. A Lyft accident attorney in Cherry Hill will work to fully understand how this accident has changed your life and the trajectory of your future so that we can create a comprehensive plan to address your specific needs.

Schedule a Free Case Review with Our Lyft Accident Lawyer in Cherry Hill Now
Before you do anything else, contact Rand Spear, The Accident Lawyer, to discuss your accident and what your losses are at a free consultation. Work with our Cherry Hill accident lawyer to move forward with filing a claim for the compensation you are owed, and let us determine how much that should be. When you work with our rideshare accident attorneys, there is no risk to you since we do not charge for our services if you do not win your case.
Call or text (215) 985-2424 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form