Whether defined in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, personal injury refers to the physical & mental injuries sustained by an individual, which were caused as a result of somebody else’s negligence.These personal injuries can range from minor to life-threatening. When an injury occurs, the affected party (or their surviving family members) may have a personal injury case that entitles them to compensation for damages, such as lost wages, medical bills, and pain & suffering.

In order to win a personal injury claim, you must prove three things under Pennsylvania and New Jersey state laws:

  • The party who caused your injuries had a responsibility not to injure you and failed to live up to that responsibility.
  • There is a connection between the other party’s responsibility and your injury.
  • You suffered damages or a financial loss as a result of your injury.

Let our Pennsylvania and New Jersey personal injury lawyers examine your injury claim and provide you with an aggressive and personalized representation that is essential to win your case!