If you’ve been involved in an accident, you may find you have a bulging disc in your spine. While a bulging disc can be a normal sign of aging, it can also happen as a result of a traumatic event, leaving you with mild to severe pain.
You have grounds to pursue compensation after an accident, but you may be curious about how much the average settlement for a bulging disc is, and asking your personal injury lawyer serving Pennsylvania and New Jersey may be the best way to find out.
With Rand Spear The Accident Lawyer, you can rest assured that you are seeking not just the average settlement but the full compensation you are entitled to for your bulging disc. We take the time to determine exactly what your claim is worth so we can get the most out of your claim. With millions won for our clients, you can expect a high level of care and attention as you navigate the claims process, with Rand Spear backing you up.
How Much Is a Bulging Disc Worth in a Car Accident?
Average settlement values can give you some information about the specific types of treatment and compensation needed to recover from a bulging disc. However, your own injuries may be much more severe than the average bulging disc settlement. Because of this, we consider all aspects of your case as we pursue damages for your recovery.
Treatment Can Impact Settlement Value
The specifics of your bulging disc injury can impact how much it may cost the liable party to settle your claim. For example, a bulging disc can require current and ongoing medical bills for steroid injections, physical therapy, and other treatments, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). You may even need endoscopic spine surgery in severe cases to reduce the impact of your bulging disc injury.
Depending on the diagnostic tools used, you may have other expenses as well. For example, you may require an MRI to properly diagnose your back injuries. However, you could also experience other issues that can arise because of a bulging disc, such as compression of the nerves that control the bladder.
Other Injuries May Worsen Your Condition
Unfortunately, a bulging disc may not be the worst of your problems. Other injuries can occur, leading to issues with your ongoing treatment and complicating your recovery path. Coverage for those other injuries should also be included in your compensation.
For example, you may have a bulging disc as well as internal bleeding. In situations like these, doctors may first focus on the more urgent issue before repairing your bulging disc, which can lead to longer hospital stays and more time away from work and other responsibilities. Reach out to our neck & back injury lawyers to discuss the specific details of your case as soon as possible.
Differences Between Bulging Discs and Herniated Discs
One of the most important things to determine when seeking compensation for a back injury is whether you have a bulging or a herniated disc. Both cause damage to the discs of your spinal cord, and both can be extremely painful. However, key differences in these injuries can lead to different settlement amounts.
For example, a bulging disc causes a portion of the spinal disc to extend beyond its normal range. Because of the pressure associated with this injury, a bulging disc can cause impingement of the nerve root, potentially leading to severe pain. A herniated disc, however, involves the rupture of a spinal disc, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information. As a more serious injury, herniated discs may lead to higher injury settlements.
Rand Spear Can Calculate the Value of Your Damages for a Bulging Disc
Rather than pursuing an average settlement, we aim to demand the full value of your losses when you take legal action for your bulging disc injuries. This should include damages for the financial, mental, and emotional suffering you have experienced. At Rand Spear, we focus on providing the most comprehensive possible value estimation for your damages, so you can rest assured you are getting the most out of your claim.
Economic Damages
Economic damages are your financial losses. For example, you may need medical treatment or time away from work, leading to financial burdens during your recovery. These damages should also cover any future economic damages that may result from your accident.
Non-Economic Damages
Your economic damages cover only one part of the compensatory damages you may be due. Bulging discs can be a severely painful experience, and that intangible suffering should be compensated properly in your settlement or trial verdict. We have the tools to accurately calculate the impact of your damages on your quality of life, pursuing the full cost of your suffering.
Punitive Damages
Punitive damages refer to non-compensatory damages that are meant to punish the wrongdoer for the harm they have caused you under Title 42, Chapter 83 of Pennsylvania Statutes, and Charge 5.12 from the New Jersey Courts if your accident occurred in NJ.
Rather than being based on a specific loss or suffering you have experienced, these damages focus on the dangerously negligent or intentional actions performed by the at-fault party. For example, if you were struck by a speeding drunk driver and suffered a bulging disc as a result, they may face punitive damages because of their negligence.
Keep in mind that punitive damages are typically only awarded in severe cases. Talk with a Pennsylvania & New Jersey personal injury lawyer about the specific costs of your recovery. When you do, we can further discuss ways to help you pursue the fair compensation you deserve.
Demand Rand When You Have Suffered a Bulging Disc and Need Compensation
In the wake of a serious accident, you need to know exactly what your claim is worth. While average settlement values can be useful in determining general trends, they cannot tell you what your claim is worth for your specific injuries. Even if a bulging disc is the only injury you suffered, other damages and considerations can impact the value of your claim dramatically.
That is why Rand Spear, The Accident Lawyer, focuses on maximizing the value of your claim based on the specific damages you have suffered. During a free consultation, we can discuss the suffering you have experienced and how we can help you recover.
To learn more about our services, take advantage of your free case evaluation by calling us or filling out our online contact form.
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