More road construction will mean more work zones, more accidents says Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear, unless drivers slow down and pay attention.
In the summer months work crews try to get as much road repair and construction done as possible while at the same time more people are on the roads going on trips and taking vacations. Add to the mix commercial trucks trying to deliver their goods and you’ve got a recipe for potential disaster, says Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear.
Nearly half of 1,935 work zone accidents in 2015 resulted in fatalities or injuries according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The state is in the process of spending $2.3 billion to upgrade Pennsylvania roads so more and larger work zones should be expected in the future.
“In the last five years the number of accidents rose to a new high in 2015,” Spear says, “There were almost 2,000 accidents and the number of fatalities was 23 but only two of them were workers.” He says most of the fatal accidents involved more than two vehicles. The total number of people injured was 1,327.
Nearly half of the accidents occurred on state highways with 31.5% of the accidents happening on interstates. Passenger cars and light trucks were involved in the vast majority of accidents. On the Pennsylvania Turnpike heavy trucks were involved in 25.4% of work zone accidents.

“Work zone accidents are often the result of motorists who speed through these construction zones and they are not paying attention. There are changing conditions and often times you’ll see excessive speed or bumper to bumper traffic. People become impatient or upset. They’re not driving as carefully and safely as they should in work zone areas. Occasionally alcohol plays a role in these accidents as well,” c says car accident attorney Spear.
To reduce the danger Pennsylvania is considering a five-year program to install cameras in the work zones, similar to the red light cameras at intersections, to encourage safe driving says Spear. If they are installed drivers going at least 11 miles an hour over the speed limit would get a hundred dollar ticket mailed to them. Drivers endangering workers could face increasing in penalties, including fines up to $10,000, and a driver’s license suspension for a year.
“When you believe you’re in a work zone area slow down, pay attention, don’t be in a rush, recognize there’s a lot going on. There are trucks moving in and out, workers moving about,” Spear warns.

If you or a family member live in Pennsylvania or New Jersey and have been injured in an accident in a work zone truck, contact Philadelphia car accident lawyer Rand Spear today at 888-373-4LAW or through his website for a free consultation. You can discuss what happened, how the law may apply and your best options for obtaining compensation for your injuries.
Call or text (215) 985-2424 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form